lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Do you often hit fat golf shots when you play golf?

Well, you shouldn't. Here's why (then I'll tell you how to fix it)...

A fat golf shot is simply the result of the club striking the ground behind the ball. That's easy to understand, right?

But you hardly ever see pro golfers hit fat shots, why is that?

Here's why I believe that is the case.

Professional golfers have trained themselves to swing so the low point in their swing is in front of the ball.

Studies have found that the low point in pro's swings is about 4 inches in front (towards the target) of the ball.

So if the low point for a pro is normally 4 inches in front and they do a poor swing, the low point will almost always still be in front of the ball... meaning they will hardly ever hit a fat shot.

But for most amateur golfers the low point in their swing is the ball or behind it.

So if you fat golf shots often (at least 1 fat shot per game) then you need to work on improving your low point contact, and here's how.

Get some card of some sort. A business card is good to use for this. But it could be any card about the size of a business card or slightly larger.

Then setup somewhere that you can swing and brush the ground. Get out your 7 iron and setup to an imaginary ball, but before you swing place the card so it's 2 -3 inches in front of the leading edge of your clubface. Once this is setup then simply swing and try to contact the front of the card with your golf club.

Do this over and over again until you get good at contacting the leading edge of the card. Once you can do that consistently, then repeat this but put a golf ball just before the leading edge of the card. Once you've done that then swing while still trying to contact the leading edge of the card.

You'll find when you do this that it's tough at first to get your swing to bottom out in front of the ball, but it's like any habit, it takes time to change it.

Just remember this, if you hit fat shots your current habit is to have a swing bottom that is either at the ball or behind it.

You just need to change your swing habit and when you do, like a pro, fat shots will be a thing of a past.

So go do that drill often, and you will hit better shots and lower your handicap.

Also, go here and check out a program that will help you build a more consisent golf swing that will make ball striking a lot easier for you.

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