martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Is your poor short game golf holding you back?

We all know how important putting is to our games, but here's something that you may 
not be aware of in terms of putting. 

 The make percentages for the best putters in the world 
are pretty much set in stone like this:

ï 1 foot - 100%
ï 5 Feet - 75%
ï 10 Feet - 38%
ï 20 Feet - 14%
ï 30 Feet - 7%

That's on the best prepared greens with the best putters.  So if you're playing on average 
greens then you can expect worse results than that, simply because the green surface is 
not as good.

So you may often think your putting is letting you down, when in fact what is letting you 
down is your short game.  

Because if you miss a green and you hit a pitch/chip to 10 feet 
then you'll have less than 38% chance of holing that putt.  But if you hit that same pitch/chip 
to 5 feet then you have a 75% chance of holing that putt. 

I know which odds I like best!

The point is this: if you want to lower your scores then you MUST get your short game 
shots closer to the hole.  And to help you do that I've found a great, step-by-step program 
that focuses on 1 Secret Short Game discovery that all the great pros use.  

To find out more about this program simply click here. 

Here's what one golfer had to say after going through this program:

[Slashed 10 Shots From His Scores!]

"Before getting this program I would duff at least 5 - 7 chip and pitch shots every round.  

Since getting this program and completing it I have gone from a mid 90's shooter down to 
a mid 80's shooter.  

Not only have I stopped duffing my chip and pitch shots but all my other 
short game shots are going much closer to the hole.  Easy 10 shot improvement for me and I 
cannot recommend this program enough.  It is very well put together and focuses on the 
most important part of the short game to lower a golfers score."

-Bob Reid, Texas, USA

To find out about the program Bob followed to get these great results go here:

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