lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Here's My #1 Tip For Straight Golf Shots


So you want to hit the golf ball straight, consistently?

Here's My #1 Tip For Straight Golf Shots...

Before we begin, there's one big problem with hitting straight golf shots which is this...


Imagine if the golf ball was square. I know, I know, it wouldn't be called a ball then would it?! Duh!

But let's for a second imagine a square golf ball. Do you think it would be easier to learn to square the clubface up at impact?

I think it would.

And having a square clubface at impact is much more important for straight golf shots than swing path.

And when I say much more important - I'm not kidding.

Research has found that the alignment of your clubface at impact is 80% - 85% more important than the path you're swinging on.

That's huge!

Naturally you want the swing path to be going directly towards your target, along with a square clubface... but working on a square clubface alignment is MORE important.

And here is how I suggest you do this....

To do this drill, you'll need to get a box in which you purchase three golf balls (a three ball box).

Then take two golf balls out of the box so just one golf ball is left. Then I want you to position this box directly at your target and make sure the ball is at the end of the box where you're going to strike the box. I suggest you do this with a 5-iron.

Now the great thing about doing this drill, is that it's going to force you to really accelerate through the ball. Plus, it's going to help you to square the clubface up, because you're going to be hitting into a square edge rather than the round ball.

So smack the crap... ah... ball rather, out of the box!

The only problem with doing this drill is that after just one shot you're going to kill the box. So you need to find a good supply of 3 ball golf boxes to do this. Here's an idea... heard of dumpster diving? :-) No - just joking.

Jokes aside, this is a great way to combine training yourself to hit it longer AND straighter. And if you can find a good supply of 3 ball golf boxes, do it regularly for longer and straighter drives.

Naturally, there's a lot more to hitting long, straight shots than just practicing this. Because if your grip is bad it will be very hard for you to square the clubface up at impact.

If your alignment is poor then again, it will be tough to square the clubface up at impact consistently. And I could go on and on. But what you need to do is build a professional golf swing one step at a time.

And to help you do that I have for you The Long Game Mastery program. This program gives you a step-by-step plan to build a tour quality golf swing in the shortest amount of time. To find out more about it go here:

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