lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Sometimes you play golf and your swing is just off

 There's no timing. You're swinging and you hit the ball, and you get a thud instead of a nice click at impact.

 Often times it doesn't mean your swing needs a major overhaul, but you just need better timing. Well, for times when that happens, here's 4 simple things you can do to improve your timing.

1. Practice hitting shots with little 1/4 swings. Doing this will simplify your swing and help you to improve your timing.

 Once you're hitting better shots with 1/4 swings, then increase your swing length to half swings, then 3/4 swings, and finally full swings. 

But there's no point hitting full shots if your timing is off. You may as well work on improving your timing with little shots first and then build up. And when you do this, you can also incorporate this next drill...

2. Get a towel and put it under your armpits. 

Then make little swings back and through, keeping you arms and body connected in the swing. 

I only suggest you do this with 1/4
- 1/2 swings, however, because in a good golf swing the arms should disconnect from the body in terms of the space under your armpits. If that doesn't happen your swing will be too flat and rounded. But this towel drill is a great way to get your body and arms back in sync.

3. When you're swinging and something is slightly off, it's very easy to tense up on each subsequent swing. 

And increased tension is the worst thing for trying to improve your golf swing timing. So to help you improve your swing timing, you need to release the excessive tension. 

To do this, I suggest before each shot you tense and hold your entire body for 5 seconds. Then relax your muscles and shake out your arms and hands. After doing that then hit the golf ball.

You can obviously do that when you're on the driving range. But it's not quite so easy on the golf course. 

However what you can do is tense and hold your arms and hands for 5 seconds before each shot and then release and relax. 

By tensing your body up before each golf shot, you'll be reducing the chances of tension ruining your real golf swing. And without excessive tension you'll have more chance of improved timing.

4. It's been proven over and over again, that sports people get better results when they visualize themselves doing a task successfully. 

So very simply, visualize yourself performing a perfect, insync golf swing for you, over and over again. See yourself hitting great golf shots, see your swing as having perfect timing.

 Feel the golf club hitting the ball perfectly. This is always good to do the night before a game of golf in preparation for your game, but you should do it before each shot too.

Naturally, there's a lot involved in building a great, consistent golf swing. But it is doable if you follow a proven, step-by-step program. And here's the best one I've found to help you do this...

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