viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Two quick tips for a longer first drive golf


The next time you play golf you obviously want to hit a long, straight drive off the 1st tee.

Well, today I'm going to give you 2 simple things to help you do exactly that.

The first thing you can must do to hit at least a longer drive off the 1st is to do some active stretches before you tee off.


Because it's been found that golfers who do this hit the first drive over 10 yards longer than golfers who do not warm up.

You can do simple calisthenics for your warm up like star jumps, toe touches, body twists etc.

But whatever you do make sure it uses as much of the body as possible. Do this and you will hit a longer drive compared to if you hadn't done the warmup.

The next important aspect you must be aware of in order to hit a long straight drive off the 1st hole is how you tee up the golf ball.

You see, if you suffer from a slice problem then you need to know that by teeing the ball up higher than normal it will help you to fix your slice.

Equally if you have a hook problem you can simply tee the ball lower to help rectify this problem.

So let's sum up the 2 simple things you can do to help you hit a long, straight shot off the 1st tee the next time you play golf.

The first thing I mentioned was the need to warm up. Do this for at least 5 minutes before you tee off. 
The second thing I suggested was to take particular notice of how you're teeing up the ball. For example, if you suffer from a slice or a hook problem then when you're teeing up your golf ball do so either higher or lower than you normally would, according to which swing flaw you have, to help you hit a straighter, longer drive.

If you do these 2 simple things you're bound to hit a better drive off the 1st and that will help you to enjoy the rest of the round more.

And to add lot's more distance to all of your shots go here and check out the Golf Swing Speed Challenge:

Imagine if this year you really did add 30+ yards to your drives and became fitter than you ever have been before.  As you know, for this to have any chance of happening you need to take ACTION.  Reading this is your first step and your next step is to go here:

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