martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

vertical jump training program exposed

the 3 biggest training mistakes athletes make and how these mistakes are severely diminishing their results

Have you been working your tail off in the gym trying to increase your vertical but
not getting the results you are looking for? Are you wasting hours and hours of
sweat and hard work while others continue to out jump you on the court?
Well, then thank your lucky stars that this report fell into your hands because I am
about to expose the 3 biggest mistakes you are making with your training and
how you can finally turn things around.
Let’s jump right into it:

Mistake #1: You Are Not Training All the Muscles Involved In Jumping
When most athletes hit the gym to work on their vertical they focus their training
on the big muscles that are responsible for jumping. 

They work their calves,
hamstrings and quads and then stop there. While just working those muscles will
help to increase your vertical, it will only give you a fraction of the results that are

What you should be doing is also targeting the smaller muscles involved in
jumping and some muscles that you never thought of. 

When you start targeting
these other muscles that is when your results start to increase at a rapid pace.
You can break through that plateau you have been stuck at with your training and
take your vertical to the next level.

You MUST be training all the muscles involved with jumping or your results will
always be subpar.

Mistake #2: You Are Training Your Muscles Incorrectly
This mistake is extremely detrimental to your training. 

Many athletes will train by
doing high repetitions of exercises but this is the completely wrong thinking.
When you do high reps of any exercise what you are doing is training your muscle

But we do not want muscle endurance…we want explosion. We want
to be able to rise up quickly and high. We do not want to be able to continually
jump for 5 minutes straight.

Let me explain this is a different way. Does a sprinter train by running 10 miles
every day? Absolutely not! They train by running short sprints. 

Does a long
distance runner train by running 100 meter sprints? Nope, they train by running
long distances. 

This is because a sprinter wants explosive muscles that can help
them run fast and quick and a long distance runner wants muscle endurance so
they can run a marathon.

As an athlete looking to increase your vertical you must be training your muscles
to be explosive and you do not do this by doing a ton of reps of any exercise. You
need to train your fast twitch fibers by doing lower reps and explosive

You must train your muscle explosion and fast twitch fibers to be able to jump

Mistake #3: You Are Only Focusing On One Type of Training
There are 3 main ways to train to increase your vertical and that is by doing
plyometric exercises, by doing jumping exercises and by weight lifting. All three
of these methods are effective, BUT if you are only focusing on one of these
methods you are limiting your results.

When you just do one type of training, like plyometrics, you will see results. But
those results will only be a fraction of what you are capable of. This is because
they train your muscles in a certain way and after a while your muscles will reach
a plateau and your results will sputter.

What you need to be doing is incorporating all 3 types of training into one
workout. By doing this you get the benefit that each training method offers and
your results will continue to increase.

Does a basketball player just practice free throws? Absolutely not. Being a great
free throw shooter will allow you to score points but not nearly as many points as
you could score if you also worked on your ball handling and jump shot. You need
to be a great all-around player to maximize your talent.

The same goes for training your vertical. 

You need to train your vertical in
multiple ways.

One training method will get you results but not nearly the results
you could have achieved if you used all training methods together.
Never limit yourself to just one training method

So there you have it, the 3 biggest mistakes athletes make when training their
vertical. I can almost guarantee that every athlete is making at least 1 of these
mistakes in their training.

The next obvious question is “How do I put together a workout that will avoid all
3 of these mistakes?”

Well, I have just the solution for you. There is a vertical jump program available
that has taken all 3 of these mistakes into account and developed the most
comprehensive vertical training course available.
The program incorporates all the key factors of vertical jump training to make
sure you are training the correct way and getting the maximum results.
This program:

Trains all the muscles involved in jumping

Every exercise is geared towards training your muscle explosion and
fast twitch fibers
It has taken the most effective exercises from each of the 3 training
methods and compiled them into one workout
The Result…the most effective and game changing vertical jump program
Take a look at some of the results other athletes have achieved with this

“I gained a whole 12 inches in the first 8 weeks” – Ahmad
“I went from a 28 inch vertical to 33 in the first month” – Sedrick H
“Before I started the program I was barely touching the rim, now I am throwing it
down with ease” – Andrew

“When I started my vertical was 17 inches and now my vertical is 24 inches easily
and I can now dunk with ease with a full size ball” – Mike G
“My daughter has increased her vertical 6 inches in 7 weeks!“ – Chris L
Are you ready to get results like those? Then it is time you get the Vertical
Explosion Training Program!

The Vertical Explosion Training Program will provide you with a proven training
program to take your vertical to the next level. You get the complete workout
guide, training videos, workout charts, iPod videos and much more.

Add 10 Inches To Your Vertical In Just 10 Weeks…Guaranteed! That’s right, you
have nothing to lose with their money back guarantee and so much to gain. How
can they offer such an insane guarantee? Because they know their program
works and it has been proven to work time and time again.
Are you ready to take your vertical to the next level?

Click Here To Get Started Now

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