sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

Here's The Silent Killer For Longer Golf Drives

(and what to do about it) Don't do this for longer golf drives... If you do this you'll cost yourself at least 30 yards off the tee...  

Hi  We all know that the faster we swing the further the ball goes. And everyone wants to hit longer drives.  But there's a BIG problem when most people try and swing faster.  

You see, when most golfers try and increase swing speed they think they need to swing hard and that's very bad.  Swinging fast is completely different than swinging hard. And one of the biggest differences is in muscle tension. 

To swing FAST you must be very relaxed when you're swinging. Tension in your swing is a silent killer when it comes to hitting the golf ball further.  A tense muscle is a slow muscle. 

So here's a great way to help you reduce tension in your golf swing so you swing faster.  Setup to swing your driver, but before you start to swing tense up your entire body, particularly your arms and shoulders, and then hold this tension and swing as fast as you can. 

 Naturally you won't be able to swing very fast when you're doing this.  But that's fine because immediately after doing this release the tension and take another swing with relaxed muscles and try to swing as fast as possible. 

 When you do this exercise you'll notice a HUGE difference in speed from the first golf swing to the second golf swing.  For more great tips like this to increase your swing speed and a complete program designed specifically by a sports scientist to help you swing faster and hit the ball further go here:  

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