domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018

Hit longer golf drives using the synergistic effect


Ever heard of the synergistic effect?

Here's a definition for this effect, and then I'll explain how you can use it to add yards to your drives:

"An effect arising between two or more agents, entities, factors, or substances that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects."

So how can you use the synergistic effect to hit longer drives?

Well, let's say I give you a drill that helps you to add 5 – 10 yards to your drives. 

You'd love that right?

But then what if the next day I gave you another drill that helped you to add more yards to your drives, then the next day I gave you another drill that helped you to add even more yards, all compounding on the previous drills.

That's the synergistic effect!

And Jeff Richmond has used that effect in his new 21 Yards In 21 Days program. To find out more about this new exciting program, simply go here now...

My best,

The great thing about this NEW program is that you can do EVERYTHING at home.

Then you'll see big gains when you play. Your golfing friends will be shocked with how far you're hitting the ball... as you're completing this.

Each daily task in this program takes less than 15 minutes, and by the end of 21 days you would have added at least 21 yards to your drives....

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