lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Tiger out drove Bubba by 20 yards golf doing this

Sorry to burst you're bubble... but you're not getting any younger.

And as most golfers get older they gradually lose distance.  But there's
something simple you can do to gain yards.  To explain what it is, here's
a story that highlights this.

A few years ago now, Tiger was playing with Bubba and he outdrove Bubba 
by 20 yards.  After the round a reporter asked Tiger about this and here's
what Tiger said...

"The tee shot on 16, it's obviously easier for me to hit the ball further 
because I'm turning it and I'm working it with some kind of top spin, a little draw.

And I hammered it out there, but Bubba's playing a big cut. He teed off in 
the middle of the tee box. He didn't go to the right and hit a straight ball 
slice or straight ball/cut. He went to the middle part of the tee box and 
shaped it more. So he burned a little bit of distance off of that, and just 
tried to get the ball in play."

Whether you like Tiger or not... there it is... straight from a golfing legend.  

Draws typically have a more penetrating ball flight and go further than a fade 
or straight ball. 

Since you aren't Bubba Watson, you probably don't want to sacrifice 20 yards 
off of your tee shots, which is why you need to master hitting a draw with your 

And to help you do this The Pro Draw System was created.  And to launch this
17 day step-by-step program you can now get it special.  But it's only on 
special for a limited time. 

Look, this program is taking all of the confusion out of hitting a draw, and giving you an 
"easy button."

With this simple system, you'll learn how to hit a powerful, accurate draw and add 
17 ñ 27 yards to your tee shots in just 17 days!

Because this is a 17 day step-by-step program that takes about 15 minutes each day to 
complete.  Then after you've completed the program you WILL be hitting consistent, 
professional draws...

OR you get your money back!

This program consists of a 196 page PDF plus 11 videos, so you'll know exactly what you 
should be doing each day.  And to launch this new program you can have it on special.  
So go here to check out the Pro Draw System now.

If you want to once and for all, hit consistent, powerful draws like a pro, then you'll 
want to get this new program now.

The price on this, along with my iron-clad guarantee, makes this a no-brainer if you 
want to hit shots that look powerful and feel great.

Not to mention the extra distance you'll pick up by hitting a pro
draw.... and the looks on your playing partners faces with your
new ball flight will be "priceless".

If you've lost distance due to age you will most certainly want to
get The Pro Draw System now because a draw goes a lot further than
a fade/slice.

==> Go here to get The Pro Draw System On Special 

Have a great week perfecting your new, powerful and professional draw.

Don't delay on getting the Pro Draw System, because if you do...

1. You'll miss out on the great feeling of hitting a pro draw.

2. You'll miss out on hitting longer shots.

3. You'll miss out on impressing your playing partners.

The Pro Draw System is only on special for a limited time... so go here 
to get The Pro Draw System now...

==>  The Pro Draw System - On Special! 

Here's the sort of shot shape you can look forward to hitting soon
thanks to the new Pro Draw System:

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