viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Is adding 30 yards to your drives golf really this simple?


It's no secret that every golfer strives for more distance off the tee.

Even the big boys on tour are guilty of this.

But in order to get extra distance it basically boils down to these two things:

1. Striking the ball square on the clubface.
2. How fast you swing the club.

Swing speed is BY FAR is the biggest influence in getting that distance off the tee you desperately want.

And that extra speed doesn't just stop at your drives either.

It also trickles down in to your irons. So instead of hitting that 8 iron into the green, you're now using your pitching wedge.

(And giving yourself a better shot at a birdie!)

Now here's the thing about swing speed...

Did you know that you can add 2.2 yards to your drives for every 1 mph increase in swing speed?

So if you wanted to add 22 yards to your drives you would only have to swing 10 mph faster.

But just trying to swing harder isn't the answer.

In fact, it's one of the worst things you can do.

The faster you TRY to swing, the more wild and out of sync your swing gets. And that leads to off-center contact and stray shots. Which will actually kill your distance.

Just the opposite of what we golfers want.

So how do you get that extra swing speed to gain 20, 30, or 40 yards without trying to kill yourself swinging so hard that you come out of your shoes?

There's a program out called The Swing Speed Challenge that teaches you how to do just that.

It works wonders for increasing your swing speed without TRYING to swing faster!

It'll be like using your normal swing, only you'll be crushing it further down the fairways.

Take a look at The Swing Speed Challenge here:

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