viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

This golfer just added 40+ yards to his drives doing this


Want to hit longer drives?

Well, listen to what this golfer had to say after going through the Golf Swing Speed Challenge program....

"I must tell you that I'm an Accountant, so my analysis will be absolutely short and sweet.

Two weeks ago I shot an 82 on a par 72 course which is my best score since I started playing golf 6  years ago. I never dreamt that I'd do this - no way - I'm nearly 62 years of age, you know.

Before this I normally shot between 86 - 89 strokes per round.

Most of my shots go dead straight now, and I can feel my swing changing from a hands and shoulder swing, to a legs and torso swing, without trying to do so.

It's just happening naturally.

I attribute this, mainly to the extra weekly drills you sent me by email, although I must say that I feel much stronger and more flexible. Also, most of my lower back pain is gone.

I definitely also hit the ball much further - more than the 40 yards extra I was looking for.

So, thanks for everything and I'll continue with your programme - slowly - it's an "age thing".

Kind Regards

If you would like similar results simply go here and start your  Golf Swing Speed Challenge today:

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