lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

1 Proven Golf Tip To Avoid Trouble Off The Tee


Today I have a simple golf tip to help you to avoid trouble when teeing off so let's get started...

===> Golf Tip To Avoid Trouble Off The Tee < ====
There is something very simple you should do on the tee that will minimize your chances of hitting the ball O.B. or into trouble.

Simply tee the ball up on the side closest to the trouble so you are driving away from it. And on holes with trouble you must be even more diligent in picking targets that you want your ball to finish at, instead of focusing on where you DON'T want your ball to finish.

We've all been over shots and said to ourselves "I don't want this ball to go right (or left)." And we all know the outcome, don't we? So tee your ball up on the same side as the trouble and fire away from it. And remember, pick out a specific, clearly defined target of where you want your ball to finish.

===> End Tip < ====
Ok, so that's simple you can need to try to get better results off the tee. Now here is something else you need to try that will help you to build a tour pro swing one step at a time.

It's called The Long Game Mastery Program. Go here to check it out now 

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