viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Does this worry you about your golf game?


It's a fact...

None of us are getting any younger and there's something that can creep up on us that is horrible.

Picture this: Let's say you are driving the ball 220 yards on average at the moment.  As you get older IF you don't do anything apart from hit balls and play golf then you WILL lose distance.  It might be a yard or two a year and you probably won't even notice, but it will happen.

So if you keep just hitting balls and playing golf then in a few years time from now you could be averaging 210 yards. Then in a few more years you could be average 200 yards. Then 190 yards.  Then 180 yards etc., etc.

How scary is that?

And if you're just hitting balls and playing golf as your exercise then it's not a matter of IF that happens - but when.

As sad and depressing as that sounds there is something you can do to stop from losing distance on your drives, and actually gain more distance than you have currently.

Very simply you need to work on getting stronger, getting more powerful and becoming faster.

If you do this you'll stop the clock on old father time.

We think that The Golf Swing Speed Challenge program is the best program available to help golfers stop losing distance, and gain considerable distance.

And the worst that will happen by you following it is you will stop the rot on losing the distance. The best that will happen is you'll pick up 10, 20 or even 30 plus yards in distance.

So picture yourself playing golf and hitting drives 30 yards past where you're hitting them now - even as you age!

Would that make golf easier and more fun for you?

Naturally it would.  And to make this a reality here's what you need to do.  Go here to stop yourself losing distance:

The faster you start The Golf Swing Speed Challenge program the quicker you can turn the clock back.

Don't wait to do something about losing distance.  Start now before it's too late!:

This golfer just added 40+ yards to his drives doing this


Want to hit longer drives?

Well, listen to what this golfer had to say after going through the Golf Swing Speed Challenge program....

"I must tell you that I'm an Accountant, so my analysis will be absolutely short and sweet.

Two weeks ago I shot an 82 on a par 72 course which is my best score since I started playing golf 6  years ago. I never dreamt that I'd do this - no way - I'm nearly 62 years of age, you know.

Before this I normally shot between 86 - 89 strokes per round.

Most of my shots go dead straight now, and I can feel my swing changing from a hands and shoulder swing, to a legs and torso swing, without trying to do so.

It's just happening naturally.

I attribute this, mainly to the extra weekly drills you sent me by email, although I must say that I feel much stronger and more flexible. Also, most of my lower back pain is gone.

I definitely also hit the ball much further - more than the 40 yards extra I was looking for.

So, thanks for everything and I'll continue with your programme - slowly - it's an "age thing".

Kind Regards

If you would like similar results simply go here and start your  Golf Swing Speed Challenge today:

Is adding 30 yards to your drives golf really this simple?


It's no secret that every golfer strives for more distance off the tee.

Even the big boys on tour are guilty of this.

But in order to get extra distance it basically boils down to these two things:

1. Striking the ball square on the clubface.
2. How fast you swing the club.

Swing speed is BY FAR is the biggest influence in getting that distance off the tee you desperately want.

And that extra speed doesn't just stop at your drives either.

It also trickles down in to your irons. So instead of hitting that 8 iron into the green, you're now using your pitching wedge.

(And giving yourself a better shot at a birdie!)

Now here's the thing about swing speed...

Did you know that you can add 2.2 yards to your drives for every 1 mph increase in swing speed?

So if you wanted to add 22 yards to your drives you would only have to swing 10 mph faster.

But just trying to swing harder isn't the answer.

In fact, it's one of the worst things you can do.

The faster you TRY to swing, the more wild and out of sync your swing gets. And that leads to off-center contact and stray shots. Which will actually kill your distance.

Just the opposite of what we golfers want.

So how do you get that extra swing speed to gain 20, 30, or 40 yards without trying to kill yourself swinging so hard that you come out of your shoes?

There's a program out called The Swing Speed Challenge that teaches you how to do just that.

It works wonders for increasing your swing speed without TRYING to swing faster!

It'll be like using your normal swing, only you'll be crushing it further down the fairways.

Take a look at The Swing Speed Challenge here:

Here's the SECRET to longer golf shots


Do want to know the secret to longer drives?

No, do you REALLY want to know the secret?

Ok, here it is...

Swing Faster

Not really a secret at all is it?! But what is a secret to do it!

You've probably already tried to increase your swing speed before...and failed.

You've probably tried to increase your swing speed and ruined your swing and then given up.  Well, it's now time to try something NEW that will guarantee you longer golf drives.

It's The Golf Swing Speed Challenge and I'm 100% confidentyou're going to hit longer drives after completing it.

Why am I so confident?

Because golfer after golfer from all around the world is sending in comments like this after taking The Golf Swing Speed Challenge.

"Your program has helped me to boost my average drives from about 165 to 200 yards.  As you might imagine, this makes quite a difference in the game.  I have to admit, I was skeptical at first."
Robert Genetski, USA

So to make sure you don't get left behind here's what you need to do right now.

Click on the link below to get The Golf Swing Speed Challenge now at a discounted price.  But you'd better hurry because this special price is ending soon:

If you're not hitting it longer after completing this challenge, I absolutely insist that you ask for a refund.

 Click Here To Add 10, 20 or 30+ Yards To Your Drives:  

Use this #1 secret to hit longer drives golf

Watch him add 44.3 yards to his drives with this one simple method...
Discover the one thing this golfer used to add 44.3 yards to his drives
Shocking video of golfer adding 44.3 yards to his drives
Watch him increased his swing speed by more than 20 mph....

Longer golf drives...

That's what every golfer wants.

In fact... I've never known a single golfer who wouldn't want an extra 30+ yards.

Because adding those extra yards to every drive does a whole lot more for your game than just making your playing partners green with envy.The farther you put your ball down the fairway, the less club you'll need for your approach shots to the green.

And when you have your short irons in your hands, the easier it is to stick it close to the hole on your approach.

The closer you are to the hole, the more putts you're going to make. And when you start making more putts, your scores start to drop like a hot rock

And once you've learned the secret to adding easy distance to your drives, (which isn't trying to swing HARDER by the way, which is how most golfers try to do it), you'll quickly learn it's a heck of a lot easier to do than you thought.

To see this secret in action go here....

...and watch a golfer adding 44.3 yards to his drives.  Then watch another video of a golfer picking up over 30 extra yards with this system.  

And these results just keep rolling in from golfers all over the world.

Now one of the best parts of this system is that you can do it all at home. 

  You don't have to spend hours practicing.  In fact, you don't have to hit any balls if you don't want to. So go here to see what all the buzz is about:

It doesn't matter what age you are, or what shape you're in...if you're sick of being the short hitter of your group, or you just want to make the game easier by adding extra yards off the tee, you should at the very least check out what this system can do for you.  

Take a quick look here and make an informed decision on this:

Great drill to help you increase swing speed golf


Golf is a funny game isn't it because on the one hand it takes a very long time to play a game of golf, i.e. 4 - 5 hours. But on the other hand a golf swing takes about a second to complete.

So if you want to hit the ball further how should you attempt to do it?

Well, each golf swing is a very fast movement and takes very little time, so....let's take a look at other quick movement sports and see how they train. For this example we'll look at running.

At the extremes of running you have the super quick guys that do the 100 meter sprints. Then you have the marathon runners.

Do you think a sprinter is going to train in the same way as a marathon runner?

Of course they're not!

A sprinter is going to train to be explosive. A marathon runner is going to train for endurance.

Seen as how the golf swing is an explosive movement you should train explosively to swing faster. And here's a classic example with sprinters that you can use to swing faster.

Sprinters use something called over speed and under speed training.

Over speed training is when you do something at a higher speed than you normally would.

A sprinter for example will run down a steep hill so they run much faster than normal. You can do something similar by swinging an object that is lighter than your driver.

You should keep this over speed device between 10 - 20% lighter than your normal driver. And you need to swing this as fast as possible.

What this is doing is letting your mind experience a movement faster than what you would normally do.

So to help you swing faster you should use over speed training. Then you should also use under speed training. This is where you actually make the movement harder by using some resistance. An example of this with sprinters is they run with a small parachute so that they are slowed down when they are running.

In golf you can do the same thing by using a heavier golf club than you normally would. The weight of this should be between 10 - 20% heavier than your normal driver.

So to help you to swing faster you should have an over speed device and an under speed device that are 10 - 20% lighter and heavier than your driver.

You need to then swing these devices alternatively and mix it up. Don't get into a need to mix it up so your mind doesn't get used to anything.

Also when you do this you shouldn't hit balls.

You just need to swing like you normally would BUT swing as fast as you can.

This is just one way to train yourself to swing faster, there's many more things you can do that are found in this program.

You can't just do this one exercise I've given you today and expect to get the maximum swing speed results you can. You need to train your body to handle more speed because your body can only handle so much, otherwise it will break.

And your mind has safety mechanisms in place to only let you swing so fast. It knows your limits and it will only allow you to swing to a certain speed.

So I need to train your body to handle more speed. That includes doing flexibility, strength, power and speed exercises. When you get that mix right - watch out! Your playing partners won't know what the heck happened the next time you play golf.

To make that a reality go here and start this program:

It get's my highest recommendation.

The Golf Swing Speed Challenge is currently on special.  I hear it's going to be ending very soon.  So go here now to get it at the discounted price while you still can and see how much distance it will add to your drives:

Two quick tips for a longer first drive golf


The next time you play golf you obviously want to hit a long, straight drive off the 1st tee.

Well, today I'm going to give you 2 simple things to help you do exactly that.

The first thing you can must do to hit at least a longer drive off the 1st is to do some active stretches before you tee off.


Because it's been found that golfers who do this hit the first drive over 10 yards longer than golfers who do not warm up.

You can do simple calisthenics for your warm up like star jumps, toe touches, body twists etc.

But whatever you do make sure it uses as much of the body as possible. Do this and you will hit a longer drive compared to if you hadn't done the warmup.

The next important aspect you must be aware of in order to hit a long straight drive off the 1st hole is how you tee up the golf ball.

You see, if you suffer from a slice problem then you need to know that by teeing the ball up higher than normal it will help you to fix your slice.

Equally if you have a hook problem you can simply tee the ball lower to help rectify this problem.

So let's sum up the 2 simple things you can do to help you hit a long, straight shot off the 1st tee the next time you play golf.

The first thing I mentioned was the need to warm up. Do this for at least 5 minutes before you tee off. 
The second thing I suggested was to take particular notice of how you're teeing up the ball. For example, if you suffer from a slice or a hook problem then when you're teeing up your golf ball do so either higher or lower than you normally would, according to which swing flaw you have, to help you hit a straighter, longer drive.

If you do these 2 simple things you're bound to hit a better drive off the 1st and that will help you to enjoy the rest of the round more.

And to add lot's more distance to all of your shots go here and check out the Golf Swing Speed Challenge:

Imagine if this year you really did add 30+ yards to your drives and became fitter than you ever have been before.  As you know, for this to have any chance of happening you need to take ACTION.  Reading this is your first step and your next step is to go here:

5 Min Video To Brainwash Yourself For Longer Golf Drives


Imagine this...

You're sitting at your computer, watching a video that is brainwashing YOU to swing faster so you hit longer drives.

Sound far fetched?

It's not, because now you can get a special, 5 minute video that will do just that.  This video is a special bonus that is part of The Golf Swing Speed Challenge - the best way for you to add 30+ yards to your drives.

And right now you can try the Golf Swing Speed Challenge at a discounted price AND get this special swing speed brainwashing video for free.

Go here to find out more:

Here is what one golfer had to say after completing this Golf Swing Speed Challenge:

Added Up To 30 Yards Of Distance On His Driver...

"I want to thank you for your great program. Several years ago I was a 4 handicapper but had to quit playing golf when I lost my job.  

This year I recently started playing again and decided that I was going to change my swing utilizing your information. 

 I have already added between 10 - 15 yards on most of my irons and up to 30 yards on my driver.  I am already back breaking 80 on a regular basis and look forward to getting much lower with your help. Thanks again."
Rob Vojvoda, USA

So are you up to the challenge? Go here to see:

This special will most likely be ending very soon so go here to get it while you still can:

how to hit longer golf drives

Here's the biggest secret to longer drives... New Golf Discovery: The Most Proven Way To Longer Drives How to hit longer golf drives now! The Secret To Longer Golf Drives  Hi 

Every golfer wants to know how to hit longer golf drives.  And although it can seem quite complicated it's actually very, very simple to do it. 

 You see, if you want to hit longer drives you simply need to increase your swing speed.  

As an example...if you swing at 90 mph currently you can do all the mechanical changes you want to your swing to try and gain yards.  But the fact will remain that you'll be limited by your swing speed. 

 But did you know that for every 1 mph you increase your swing speed you'll gain 2.2 yards in distance?  So if you increase your swing speed by 10 mph you'll gain 22 yards in distance. 

 If you improve by 15 mph you will gain 33 yards in distance.  If you gain 20 mph in swing speed you'll gain 44 yards in distance.  But 20 mph increase in swing speed is crazy talk. 

No one would ever believe you could increase your swing speed by that much, would they?  Well...  I've just discovered a guy that has recently gained 44.3 yards of distance in just 56 days. His swing speed went from 93.8 mph up to 114 mph!  He's even got video proof of this.  You can go here now to see it.   

The thing I like best about this Golf Swing Speed Challenge is you don't need a lot of time to do it. 30 minutes a day max is all you need to add yards and yards to your drives. 

 Plus you can do it all at home, no special equipment required.  Another great thing that I like about this program is that everyone who has completed it has improved their golf swing speed and are hitting the ball further. 

 These test results are from golfers all over the world too.  So go here to take The Golf Swing Speed Challenge now to see how much distance you can pick up.

It doesn't matter what age you are, this program can help you to hit longer drives.   

Just take things slowly and try and improve and I'm sure you'll get great results.  Just check it out here and put it to the test...  

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

PGA Tour Player’s Golf Swing Secret Can Now Be Tested

Valley Cottage, USA – It has been discovered that there is one big swing difference between PGA Tour players and amateur golfers swings. 

 And Jeff Richmond now has a golf swing test so that amateur golfers can test to see if they are swinging like a PGA Tour player in this one critical aspect or not.

According to Jeff Richmond, owner of The Golf Swing Test “if a golfer fails the golf swing test it can be costing them up to 50 yards in distance, causing them to greatly lack accuracy and stop golfers from having any sort of golfing consistency.”

This one main golf swing difference was discovered after spending many hours analyzing and comparing the swings of PGA Tour players golf swings, and amateur golfers swings. 

 The golf swing test was then created so that every amateur golfer could quickly find out how their swing compares to that of a top professional golfer.

“It’s common knowledge that the average golfer has not improved their handicap over the last 30 years — even with all the improvements in equipment, course maintenance and golf instruction technology. 

And after discovering this one golf swing fault that most amateur golfers suffer from, I believe it’s one of the main reasons why most average golfers don’t improve as much as they’d like.” says Jeff Richmond.

For more information about The Golf Swing Test please contact Jeff Richmond  or visit Your Golf Swing Test to see The Golf Swing Test amateur golfers need to take.

Lack Distance? Take this free golf swing test


If you don’t hit the ball as far as you’d like you need to take a free golf swing test.
Because it’s been discovered that about 90% of golfers suffer from one swing fault that costs them a lot of distance and accuracy.

But this simple 2 minute golf swing will quickly tell you whether you have this one serious swing fault or not.

If you find you don’t have this swing fault then no worries.  You can rule out this as a reason why you lack distance.  But if you do have this swing fault you’ll obviously want to know about it.  Because it will be costing you…

* Distance (could be up to 50 yards)
* Accuracy, and
* Consistency

So to find out whether or not you have this swing fault simply go here and take this simple 2 minute golf swing test:

It will take you less than 2 minutes to take this test and it may just be the most valuable 2 minutes you’ll ever spend….as far as your golf swing is concerned. So go 

If you suffer from an over the top problem or your divots point left of the target then youneed to go and take this golf swing test right now!

Take this free Golf Swing Tes


It’s been discovered that you could have just ONE swing fault that is stopping you from ball striking consistency and success.

But luckily for you, now you can take a simple 2 minute test to see if you have this swing fault or not.

If you don’t have this swing fault, that’s great. But if you do have this swing fault you’ll want to know about it because it WILL be costing you….

==> Distance (could be up to 50 yards)
==> Accuracy, and
==> Consistency

So to find out whether you have this swing fault or not go here and take this simple 2 minute golf swing test:

It will take you less than 2 minutes to take this test and it may just be the most valuable 2 minutes you’ll ever spend….as far as your golf swing is concerned. So go and take this test right now.

My best

If you suffer from an over the top problem or your divots point left of the target then you need to go and take this test right now!

Take this golf swing test

You need to take this free golf swing test…  Hi   You could have ONE swing fault that is stopping you from ball striking consistency and success.  

Luckily for you, now you can take a simple 2 minute test to see if you have this swing fault or not.  If you don’t have this swing fault, that’s great. 

But if you do have this swing fault you’ll want to know about it because it WILL be costing you….  * Distance (could be up to 50 yards) * Accuracy, and * Consistency  So to find out whether you have this swing fault or not go here and take this simple 2 minute golf swing test:   

 It will take you less than 2 minutes to take this test and it may just be the most valuable 2 minutes you’ll ever spend….as far as your golf swing is concerned.  So go and take this test right now. 

 My best, If you suffer from an over the top problem or your divots point left of the target then you need to go and take this golf swing test now! 

Here's 1 Thing To Help You Take Your Range Game To The Golf Course

Below is a very important tip from Jeff Richmond that will help you take your range game to the golf course. Before I give you that however, Jeff has recently released a new Mental Golf Mastery program and you can find out more about that by going 

Ok, here's how to take your range game to the golf course...
One common questions I oftent get asked is...

"I hit it great on the range but can't take that to the golf course. Got any tips to help with this?"
This is such a common problem and the reason why this happens is so simple...

On the range there's no consequence for a bad shot. So on the range you're not worried about slicing it because there's no O.B. to the right for example. You're not worried about hitting the ball well to carry water because there is none... You get the idea.

On the golf course you only get 1 shot and each shot matters. And when you're standing on a tee with O.B. on the right and water to the left it can cause panic. But there is one very simple thing you can do to help you in these situations, and that's this...

When you're on the golf course, imagine you're hitting a shot on the driving range. Pick a target you want to hit your shot to but don't look at all the trouble. Instead, get over your ball and imagine you're on the range.

Now that advice raises an important point.
I said to pick a target you want to hit your shot to. But if you don't do that on the driving range then you're wasting your time following this advice.

 Because you can imagine yourself on the range as much as you want, but if you're not in the habit of picking out targets to hit your shots to when you practice then naturally this is not going to transfer over to the golf course.

On the golf course you also need to trust your swing and commit to the process of hitting the shot. 

A good thing to help you do that is to imagine you're a robot hitting a shot. Because imagine a robot hitting a shot with out of bounds down one side, a robot is not going to be nervous about that. Instead, they just aim at a target and hit to the target, without emotion.

Emotion is a big reason why golfers can't take their range game to the golf course. Hit a bad shot on the range and it's no big deal.

 You just whack another ball. But hit a bad shot on the golf course and the world is about to end. When playing golf you need to try to take negative emotions out of shots.
This is why professional golfers often seem so emotionless. It's because they have learned to play shots without the fear of consequence hanging over them.

They just select a target and swing.... like a robot.

So try these tips the next time you're on the golf course, and I'm sure you'll find that you swing more freely yet hit the ball straighter. I hope that helps you.

That simple mental game tip was from Jeff Richmond. And the next time you play golf, give it a try because I'm sure it will help you to score lower. 

Now Jeff has a complete step-by-step program that will help you to replicate the mental processes that golf pros go through when they play golf. It's a great program, so go here to check it out now:
Mental Golf Mastery Program - Unlock The Pro's Secrets To The Mental Game

Helpful Golf Advice

Below is a very important tip from Jeff Richmond that will help you improve your mental game. Everyone knows that golf is 90% mental so use this simple tip and see your scores drop.

 This tip is from Jeff Richmond and Jeff has recently released a new Mental Golf Mastery program and you can find out more about that by going 

Now here is the tip from Jeff on how you can simply improve your mental game...
How often on the golf course do you give yourself advice that is not helpful?
For example...

"Don't hit it over to the right, there's big trouble over there"
"Don't miss this short putt because you'll look like an idiot!"
"Don't chunk this pitch shot in the bunker"
"Don't 3 putt... again!"
Are any of those thoughts helpful?
Of course they're not!
But we golfers let those thoughts invade our minds - and our scores show it!
So here's something to try the next time you play golf. Be aware of your thoughts going through your mind.

And when you notice thoughts that aren't helpful, simply say to yourself in your head...
"not helpful".
Then replace the "not helpful" thought with a positive one or at the very lest a neutral one. For example....

If you've got a 50 foot putt and you notice yourself say something like "I'll probably 3 putt this". Say to yourself "not helpful" and then replace that statement with something like this... "It's possible I, can get this putt close to the hole".
Because that is possible, right?

If you do this type of mental reframing consistently you'll shoot lower scores without spending one extra bit of time practicing.
Now that's a good return on investment!
So as the old Nike ad used to say..."Just do it!"

That simple mental game tip was from Jeff Richmond. And the next time you play golf, give it a try because I'm sure it will help you to score lower. 

Now Jeff has a complete step-by-step program that will help you to replicate the mental processes that golf pros go through when they play golf. It's a great program, so go here to check it out now:

Mental Golf Mastery Program - Unlock The Pro's Secrets To The Mental Game